Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Gotta Hear! The Action Elite Podcast w/ Dammaged Goods

Here's a first for Dammaged Goods, participating in a podcast! I'm slowly making my way through the pools of modern technology, bear with me. After meeting Eoin from The Action Elite in person and discussing Van Damme, Arnold, Dolph and our favorite flicks in depth, we decided to continue the chat via podcast. The Action Elite is the premiere action movie site around with tons of news articles, reviews, interviews and more. We only meant to chat for an hour but had so much to discuss we ended up going past 90 minutes.

- What is Dammaged Goods?
- Hollywood premieres of Skin Trade and Pound of Flesh
- Eoin meeting Jean-Claude Van Damme
- Our favorite Dolph Lundgren and Van Damme movies
- Movies we liked this year, ones we didn't and ones we're looking forward to
- Conan the Barbarian double feature at The Egyptian

And a whole lot more! So put us on during your drive or while you're at home cleaning and get ready for some #ActionMovieBro goodness. Thanks again for having me!

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