"I want you to be nice until it's time to not be nice."
- Patrick Swayze as Dalton, Road House
They say nice guys finish last. While not completely true, there is a bit of truth in the statement. People usually respond to challenges and negativity while taking consideration and politeness for granted. I've always been a nice guy with a low bullshit tolerance so people either think I'm great or an angry asshole. This past weekend I ran into several unhappy people; a loud mouth at the movie theater, an in a bad mood comic book shop worker and a less than happy to be alive or at work cashier at the grocery store. Through their unhappiness, I rediscovered one of my life outlooks that Arnold and Dalton taught me, Smile and Be Nice. Now I'm not talking about being a punching bag, I'm talking about being nice to make people realize they're being assholes or to genuinely express your gratitude. I want people to see me having such a great time and life that they're either A) Inspired to make their lives better or B) Realize how much of a piece of shit they are.
Why do this? Because I can. I have a great life and I'm not so self important or insecure that I need to try and make people feel poorly if I'm in a bad mood. But I'm also not here to be a stepping stone, so if you come at me with negativity, I'll do my very best to throw it back in your face with a smile. Remember, nobody can call you a jerk if you're smiling, it's physically impossible. Without self respect and personal standards you might as well just count yourself among the common, shitty people. But I believe in you, so be a doer!
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